Sabotage is a demonic stronghold with the agenda to delay, deliberately prevent the operation, success, and progress of God’s appointed destinies, purposes, potentials, organizations, dreams, visions, and relationships.
Sabotage operates by partnering with contention. If an individual is oppressed or influenced by this stronghold of sabotage, it will be constantly torn between jealousy and celebration because the spirit works diligently at suffocating their personal advancement and success. This stronghold will go to great lengths to limit success and influences through cycles of mind games, control, slander, and persecution. Sabotage works to promote resentment and suspicion. Usually, the individual that is oppressed by sabotage is so tormented that they can’t discern friend from foe because of the demonic interference. This can cause the individual to be vindictive toward people, which ultimately invites strife.
Sabotage operates by partnering with contention. If an individual is oppressed or influenced by this stronghold of sabotage, it will be constantly torn between jealousy and celebration because the spirit works diligently at suffocating their personal advancement and success.
Self-sabotage is a ruthlessly destructive spirit that focuses on the insecurities of the individual to destroy personal progress or ground gained. Often times, this can look like unending cycle of good news and bad news. This cycle is toxic and in time, fractures the psyche of men and women of God. The mind games will intensify in the lonely place and then distort the individual’s view of reality. This may breed victim mentality and self-absorption. Again, these qualities will cause individuals to pull away from them - which will feed into loneliness and despair. The oppressed individual will be unable to see the cycle through the lens of the victim, which will invite confusion and torment. Furthermore, sabotage is sent to hinder and discourage relationship. Failed marriages, abandoned relationships, and unresolved conflict of divinely ordained relationships are just a few pieces of fruit that sabotage produces.
Sabotage encourages prolonged pain from losses can create a stronghold of grief that left unchecked will spiral down to depression. Then, depression will give life to a victim mindset which will isolate the individual from others who care for them. This sabotage induced depression is a dark and dry place. Individuals may feel like no one understands their pain and they often find themselves choosing to be alone and grieve rather than talk to anyone. Again, it stifles relationships and communion with God... and this spirit is meticulous in it’s execution. Delay and disobedience will begin to be birthed out of this place of isolation.
Failed marriages, abandoned relationships, and unresolved conflict of divinely ordained relationships are just a few pieces of fruit that sabotage produces.
Medication will not numb the workings of sabotage. Phrases like, “I give up, it’ just too hard” and “I don’t care anymore” are part of the oppressed individuals daily conversations..... even more than than the proclamation of the goodness of God. Sabotage will use vain imaginations and various other avenues to activate torment over your life. In other words, if you know you struggle with this, don’t take this lightly.
Sabotage encourages prolonged pain from losses can create a stronghold of grief that left unchecked will spiral down to depression.
Points To Remember
1. Your pain is valid, but the cycles must end. Not by magic, but through your deliverance by the power of Jesus Christ.
2. The enemy may have caused you to view everyone around you as the enemy... and that’s a lie. In some cases, some individuals may have been Satan’s puppets, but do not assume your innocence in every situation. Pride is a slick spirit that prohibits full deliverance from taking place. If you are too proud to ask for forgiveness to specific individuals for your actions and behaviors, you will stay bound.... and by more spirits that sabotage.
3. God is going to teach you how enter into mutually fulfilling relationships. The help you need is found in your ability to trust God’s ability to fulfill his promise.
4. There was an appointed time for you to mourn, but that time has a beginning and end- and that time is up. The season of wallowing in isolation and self-pity is over. It is time to break free of the enemy’s stronghold.
Prayer Points
I possess my sanity (Ps 34:1) and the terror produced by the enemy is broken from my life now, in Jesus name.
I decree that every satanic effort to discourage my life has lost it’s power now, in the name of Jesus.
In the name of Jesus Christ, I tear down, smash, crush, and destroy every stronghold that goes against Your truth and Your love, including the strongholds of sabotage, fear, anxiety, depression and hopelessness, inferiority, unforgiveness, anger and resentment, bitterness, unrealistic expectations, and anything else that interferes with my ability to see myself for who I am and You and to see You for who You really are.
I decree that every plan of the enemy that has been sent to create obstacles for my life have been shattered, in the name of Jesus.
Lord, sharpen my discernment to recognize the spirit of sabotage and his co-conspirators who are sent to hinder, prevent, and stop the operations, and success of my destiny, purpose, potential, dreams, visions, ministries, and relationships.
In Jesus name, I take authority over sabotage and all of its works. Jealousy, strife, contention, resentment, discouragement, vindictiveness, and self-destructive behavior... they have all lost it’s power and Influence over my life, my mind, my body, my thoughts, my subconscious, my spirit and my heart.
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Dr. Dee Evans
CEO, Koinonia Training and Consulting
Email: contact@thedeeevans.com
Dr. Dee Evans is an internationally recognized consultant and life coach. She has been awarded several leadership awards and she is a respected educator and Christian leader. She is the author of several books, which include: "God, I'm Disappointed, Procrastination: A Kingdom Perspective on the Theology of Work".
Connect with Dr. Dee Evans by visiting the links below.