This place of no return is unlike any other season we have encountered. It is truly a blank slate filled with wonder and dependence upon God. As you press into the presence of God to seek clarity and direction for life, you will see that your instructions are unusual, but don’t panic. The Holy Spirit is leading you down a path that you have not walked on before. You won’t be able to trust your intuition or your textbook knowledge to guide you, the Lord himself is the only one that has the compass for this journey. Whether you’re walking through a valley or you are on a picturesque route on a mountain top, the shepherd of your soul has no plans of deserting you. This is not a season of rest or monotony, it’s time to build.
God has already given you the weapons that you need to build according to the blueprint that God is showing you. As you break ground, even the most cunning Sanballat, Tobiah or Geshem will not be able to harm you or sabotage your progress. Remember, you are not building from a space of trepidation, you are building to fulfill a divine mandate. His favor is with you. His power is within you. Build boldly without fear of the future, his plans are to give you an expected and glorious end.
We do not expect any payment for prophetic messages or writings. Some, however, feel led to partner with us by sowing into the ministry. Partner with Dee Evans Ministries International today by giving a one-time seed or making a monthly contribution.
The Hey Sis Podcast is a space for women, from all walks of life, to reflect upon their life experiences.
Dr. Dee Evans brings humor and spiritual insight to conversations love, spirituality, theology, pop culture and everything in between.
The Awe and Wonder Audio Bible Study focuses on the exposition of scripture surrounding a space of contemplation and reverence for the works of Yahweh. Each Bible study lesson is approximately 20 minutes and focuses on a singular topic that should lead each listener to be inspire with awe.
Awe (noun) - a feeling of reverential respect mixed with fear or wonder.
Wonder (noun) - a feeling of surprise mingled with admiration, caused by something beautiful, unexpected, unfamiliar or inexplicable.
Dr. Dee Evans
Founder, Dee Evans Ministries International, Inc
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