Podcast transcript The Hey Sis Podcast: Signs You're Under Spiritual Attack
Welcome to an audio experience that will peak your curiosity and soothe your soul.
Join Dr. Dee Evans, your host, as she creates a space for women from all walks of life to reflect upon their life experiences with topics that range from love, spirituality, and pop culture.
These discussions will engage and support you on your journey of wholeness and freedom.
Welcome to The Hey Sis Podcast.
Hey, everybody. And thank you for listening to The Hey Sis Podcast today. I am your host, Dr. Dee Evans.
And in this episode, we will be discussing signs that you are under spiritual attack. It can be difficult sometimes to discern whether something is spiritual or not. Just to clarify, everything is not spiritual.
But if there's some consistencies here that we're going to go over, it won't harm you to pray.
If you're off and it's just the bubble guts, great, there's no harm coming from praying.
But I don't want to make you paranoid as it relates to things of the spirit.
Not everything that happens to us as humans has a spiritual origin.
But at the same time, when something does happen out of the ordinary consistently and you see a pattern, or you can connect it to a person or thing, it's important to ask the Lord for discernment so that you can see what's really going on.
I also would like to start this by emphasizing the fact that the enemy, the accuser of the brethren, he hates every living human being on this planet, even the ones that worship him, which is why it's so funny that they worship him.
I have never seen a believable shirt that says Satan loves us.
I'm like, you don't even believe that.
You can believe Lucifer loves you.
I've never heard a worship song that was believable about how much Lucifer loves his children.
It doesn't make sense.
You can go on YouTube now and just type in deliverance from like Santeria or deliverance from witchcraft.
When they show pictures of the people that were in witchcraft before they came to Christ, they'll look happy to me.
I'm like, y'all were in witchcraft for how long?
I mean, that had to be dreadful.
I've never seen a happy looking Luciferian.
They just always look angry about something.
And I mean, have y'all ever had, I mean, like a demon, Jehovah's Witness, what would you call them?
Lucifer's Witnesses.
I mean, I've never seen one of them be so happy to share Lucifer with anybody.
I'm just saying, this is my personal opinion.
But the Bible says in John chapter 10, verse 10, that the enemy has one objective, still kill and destroy.
And I think because we are inundated with so many things in society, we got so many bills, and the bills be billin, and adulting be adulting, and life be lifing, that oftentimes we miss the signs that show us that Lucifer is a part of why we're in a cycle, or Lucifer is a part of why we have insomnia, or Lucifer is a part of why we cough at night, something.
And because we are so inundated with stuff, it prohibits our ability to pray.
And hear from the Lord, and also to trust what we discern, to trust the gifts that the Holy Spirit has led to us on our time on earth.
Luckily, the Lord Jesus in his own words has encouraged us in Luke chapter 10, verse 19.
And behold, I give you the authority to trample upon serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you.
If you are going through a spiritual attack right now, just decree over yourself, nothing shall by any means hurt me.
I felt like I was in church.
Nothing shall by any means hurt me.
Now, one of Satan's strategies to steal, kill and to destroy is to torment.
It is to weary a person.
So they'll give up and give in to whatever agenda that the enemy has.
All agendas of the enemy will lead to still kill and destroy, but some agendas are far much, are more intricate, I will say.
And when you're fatigued, you are more susceptible to being controlled.
So back-to-back spiritual attack makes you more susceptible to giving in to what he wants.
The enemy loves to fill us with discouragement and disappointment and despair.
And he loves to confound with our reality to the extent he can hit you with so many things and arrows in the spirit that you start operating in paranoia and vain imaginations.
And then sometimes your attack, like the attack that's coming towards you to torment you, ends up being something that torments someone else.
And I just want to go through a few signs that may point to the notion that you may be under spiritual attack and you need to take what's happening in your life seriously.
Yes, you can seek a therapist and a counselor, but you need to open up your mouth and decree with the say of the Lord.
And you may need to go through what the church calls deliverance, a cleansing, so that you can rid yourself of evil.
I do not think personally it is a coincidence that in what we call the Lord's Prayer, it says lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
Unbelievers are not the only persons who struggle with spiritual things.
I think that maybe that's a misconception in the Christian community.
Let me just dispel that for a moment.
Deliverance isn't for nonbelievers.
Deliverance ministry is honestly for believers.
Loving God does not make you immune to being oppressed by evil spirits.
There's nothing wrong with you if you've been oppressed by evil spirit.
It doesn't mean that you don't love God enough.
Okay, it happens.
So let's rid you of that guilt and that shame.
So one of the signs that you may be experiencing a spiritual attack is physical fatigue.
Now, if you are one ham sandwich away from being on 600 pound life, no shade, and it takes you an exuberant amount of energy to walk from here to your front door, the spiritual attack may not be a Pollyon or some demon name from Paranormal Activity.
The demon may be Chick-fil-A.
The demon may be Royal Farms.
The demon may be Cain's Chicken Tenders with the sauce, because them chicken tenders are trash without the sauce.
Gluttony is a spirit, being honest.
Gluttony is a spirit.
So yes, you could be oppressed by gluttony.
You can also be oppressed by a spirit of addiction, because oftentimes people that are over 600 pounds are dealing with a spirit of addiction that's latched on to them due to trauma or rejection, or even lust.
I told you lust is not just about sex.
Lust is an insatiable desire for something that's not good for you.
All right?
So I do want to add that 600-pound life and beyond persons, practically, yes, it might not be that a ponion is attacking you because you can't make it from where you are to the front door without huffing and puffing.
That type of physical fatigue is not what I'm speaking of right now, right?
Now, let me be clear.
If I walk up and down my steps more than three, four times, I'm going to huff and puff and blow the house down.
But that doesn't mean that that's the devil.
It means that I need to not ask for extra rice in my Chipotle bowl, okay?
The physical fatigue that I'm speaking about is when your body is weak and it has an effect on your mind, your body and your mind and your soul, it impacts your spirit as well.
Most spiritual breakthroughs are preceded by moments of resistance that can be felt in the body because it's spiritual, okay?
The enemy will try to wear you out through physical fatigue.
If you wake up tired, you need to pay attention to that and take into account your day.
If you didn't get into the bed until 4 a.m.
and you had to get up at 6, okay, it might not be spiritual attack.
But if you have insomnia, okay, that's something you need to note and you need to bring before the throne of the Lord and decree what God says concerning that.
And you, insomnia is not your portion.
You decree over yourself that you are a child of the King.
And just as there is a command to rest, so shall you be given liberty to rest without confusion in Jesus' name.
Another sign that you may be under attack, under spiritual attack, is that you feel constantly discouraged in your prayer life.
If you don't want to pray, something's going on.
If you get irritated when you think about prayer, a sign of a spiritual attack.
If something always comes up when you're about to pray, a sign of a spiritual attack.
This year, I was going to pray.
Was it this year?
No, it wasn't.
It was last year, right about...
Actually, it was April.
April last year, I was headed out of the country, and I was doing a prayer line.
And we were gathering on the prayer line to specifically pray against some spiritual attacks that were happening.
And I knew the enemy did not want me to focus.
He did not want me to be able to be on this prayer line and be focused.
And right as I was about to start the prayer line, my phone rings.
And the person that was calling me, I knew that person was calling me as an agent of the enemy because this person was being used by the enemy to come against me.
And I wish I could go into more details for the sake of time, just to know that that phone call signified to me that I was really upon a spiritual attack.
So I resisted by hitting the cloud, and I went forth in prayer.
It's not a coincidence that that person has not called me since that day.
They ain't lose my number.
They ain't get tired of me.
I resisted the enemy, and the enemy got flew out.
If you're under a spiritual, if you're under spiritual attack, the last thing you need to do is stop praying.
If you're under spiritual attack, you need to be praying more.
Not because you're baiting God to come and see about you.
Nobody's bullying God to do anything.
The prayers are for you to build up your most holy faith.
You're not bullying God to do anything.
Matthew chapter 26.
Then he told them, watch and pray.
Lest you enter into temptation.
The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.
Another sign that you may be under spiritual attack is old habits may resurface.
Baby, devils go down to the DMs.
When you are trying to get your life together and grow in your relationship with God, them booty calls.
Do we say booty calls anymore?
What do we say?
What's the hotline?
I'm getting too old.
You know what I'm saying.
The text messages from the ex will come through.
You may be tempted to fall back into sinful habits that you set aside a long time ago.
These carnal desires are meant to separate you from Jesus, not bring you closer in fellowship with him.
Now, and also watch out for sudden thoughts coming into your mind.
Some of them may not belong to you.
Bring them on a subjection in the name of Jesus.
And also, if you, another sign is when you start pulling away from godly relationships.
I've witnessed that.
When certain people are under spiritual attack, they can't hear great counsel.
They can't hear anointed counsel.
They can't hear it.
Something's going on.
They're paranoid.
They're distracted.
It's very annoying.
I've also noticed oftentimes when I'm like talking to someone, if they keep interjecting me, sometimes that's a sign of spiritual attack.
I was talking to this girl.
She was going through some things.
That definitely was a demonic attack.
And as I was trying to explain to her what was happening to her and give her some scriptural references, she kept interrupting me.
And about the fourth time I said, don't do that again.
And immediately that thing manifested.
When I say that thing, the demonic presence inside of her begin to manifest in a way that it was clear it was not her.
And I noticed it.
I discerned it when I was talking like, why are you interrupting me like that?
That's weird.
That's not honoring.
It's disrespectful.
But when I said, hey, don't do that no more, that demon said, why?
Come out of there in Jesus' name.
So that demon didn't want her having a conversation with me.
So it kept trying to interrupt.
It really tried to remove her from any godly relationships that were in her life.
And so if you feel isolated and alone, it might not be because you're a bad person.
It may be because you're oppressed by a spirit that is trying to isolate you.
You need people, re-engage with community, reach out for help.
There are people that are willing to pray with you.
There are so many online deliverance ministries, deliverance ministries that are legitimate.
So there's definitely possibilities here.
Another sign that you may be under spiritual attack is if you feel like you're being watched.
I do have a podcast episode on monitoring spirits that's wonderful.
You should definitely check that out for more specifics about that.
Familiar spirits, monitoring spirits are like the devil's private investigators.
They come to gather information.
Other names for monitoring spirits are like familiar spirits, masquerading spirits, ancestral spirits, foulers, spirit spies, demonic messengers, watchers.
All of these names, they correlate to that spirit.
And that could be a precursor to an attack.
I found that if I feel monitored, an attack is coming.
Because a monitor is there to gather information for the attack.
Also the presence of pestilence, that doesn't make sense, can be an evil foreboding about a spiritual attack.
I've seen swarms of flies with people before, right before a manifestation took place.
Hearing voices is definitely a sign of spiritual attack.
If you hear other voices, you're definitely under some spiritual attack.
And when I say that, I am not negating the need for assistance from a clinician.
Both can be extremely beneficial.
Bipolar disorder and schizophrenia are very real things.
I do believe they have a spiritual root, but I don't think the key to assisting someone or healing someone from that illness requires the person to choose between therapy and God.
You can have both.
You can have your medicine, your prescription that you need to function and have a purposeful life.
You can have that and deliverance, okay?
Also, a sign of spiritual attack is confusion.
If you question yourself, question your friends, you feel like you can't make sound decisions.
Confusion is hitting your mind, and you can't be sure if something's coming from God.
God is not the author of confusion, but he's the author of peace.
Also, witchcraft can often make you confused about your life, and it can really twist the truth of the Lord.
And reason isn't the cure against a witchcraft attack or a spell that has been cast concerning you.
Honey, you've got to cancel that thing in Jesus' name.
And another sign of spiritual attack as it relates to confusion is forgetfulness.
I've seen that a lot.
Actually prophetic witchcraft, and when I, let me break that down just for a second.
When I say prophetic witchcraft, it's just witchcraft used by people that say they love God.
And it's manipulation.
So maybe I should just say that.
Manipulation can make you forgetful.
Bewitchment can make you forgetful.
It may make you forget your keys.
It may make you forget what you're saying mid-sentence.
It may make you forget what, you know, like losing your train of thought.
It can make you overlook things, like a key instruction or a deadline.
And that could lead to confusion.
And of course you second guess yourself, and then you're angry, and you're snapping at people, and you're not yourself, and you feel less than.
And see, it may sound silly, the things that I'm mentioning.
Like you may be like, well Dee, I forget things all the time.
Does it mean it's a demon?
Yes, but we're talking about all of these symptoms in conjunction.
Like I said, if you put together the pieces, and it all doesn't make sense, you may need to get to praying and binding the hand of the enemy concerning you.
And one of the sides of your unaspirational attack is if you have an abnormal loyalty to a church, to a network, or to a person.
And this goes both ways.
And this duality is important to explain.
You can be on a spiritual attack if you are loyal to, like I said, a church, a five-fold ministry leader, or a network.
But on the flip side, if you are a five-fold ministry leader, you could be spiritually attacked by someone who wants to have loyalty to you.
In the fall of a monitor, in the fall of an onlooker.
I've been in the position to where people try to, like, idolize me and then get mad when I won't let them.
It turns into a spiritual attack.
And then there are situations to where there are a plethora of spiritual leaders who want to be idolized.
And then by the grace of God, these people's eyes are opened.
They're like, we're not bowing down to Nebuchadnezzar.
And that's where that division oftentimes comes in if you're being attacked with, like, unreasonable loyalty, because usually unreasonable loyalty will lead to disconnection from friends and family members, which makes you isolated, which makes you easier to control.
Remember, we talked about that in the beginning.
Sometimes that's the ultimate goal, or one of the goals of spiritual attacks.
And lastly, I just want to remind you that spiritual attacks can come in the form of nightmares, insomnia, witchcraft dreams, just having dreams about black cats.
Kind of weird, even if you have cats.
Just saying.
It's not just a form of superstition.
Sleep paralysis, people call it the devil riding your back.
Visitations from spirit spouses, spirit husbands, like incubus, succubus, all that is real.
If you have a demon trying to have sex with you, it's time to pray.
Okay, I think that's self-explanatory, but just in case you didn't know that, I just want to let you know, if Casper tried to sleep with you, it's time to go, buddy.
It's time to go.
It's time to go ahead and pray.
Let's get that all up out of you in Jesus' name.
So lastly, I just want to mention, don't make this harder than it needs to be.
You're not breaking the power of anything off of you.
You're weak. It's the Lord.
The arm of God as it is written in Ephesians, chapter 6, verses 14 through 17.
Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace.
Above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one and take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God.
When it comes to spiritual attack, you need the armor of the Lord, not your skill, the armor of God.
It's easy to feed into the attack and just be depressed and just complain, but that does not have to be your portion.
You are a daughter of the Lord, and he will protect you because he loves you.
He's not just protecting you because you didn't sin yesterday.
The Lord loves you, and he can and will deliver you from all evil.
Submit yourself to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, exalt his name, thank him for the blood, rejoice in the Lord, praise him, worship him.
You can break that evilness.
You can break that tie.
In worship, you can break it by decreeing the name of the Lord, but what's important is that it's broken.
I'm not dogmatic.
I'm not religious.
There's no formula, but there is a name, and his name is Jesus.
And I'm here to tell you today, everything has to break when you say his name.
Please let me know if this episode helped you today, just helped you identify signs of spiritual attack.
If you have any questions, email me at contact with the Dee Evans.
Hit me up on the socials, my handle is Hey Dr.
And let's continue to talk about this. The Lord wants you free, and so do I. Until next time, thank you for listening.
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The Hey Sis Podcast is an audio experience that will peak your curiosity and soothe your soul. Join Dr. Dee Evans as she creates a space for women, from all walks of life, to reflect upon their life experiences with topics that range from love, spirituality and pop culture. These discussions will engage and support you on your journey of wholeness and freedom. Ready to connect with a community of like minded women?
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