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Refined For Expansion

Writer: Dr. Dee Dr. Dee

Updated: Jun 17, 2023

As I was reading the other day, the Lord reminded me that 5783/2023 is the year of Gimmel. This is the year of the “camel in the mouth” and the year of provision for the faithful. When a camel stops to drink, it can consume large amounts of water. This large reserve of water can keep a camel going for up to a week’s travel through harsh desert climates. The Holy Spirit, as described in John 4, is a fountain of living water within us and a source that similarly satisfies us so that we “never thirst again”.

This year, we are expected to be like the camel and drink abundantly of the Holy Spirit, storing up a reserve within us to handle any difficult times we might face.

John 4: 13-14 ESV

Jesus said to her, “Everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”

This year, we are expected to be like the camel and drink abundantly of the Holy Spirit, storing up a reserve within us to handle any difficult times we might face. Furthermore, this indicates that there will be abundance. Steward this abundance well, it will be nourishment to your bones, soul, and your financial endeavors as you encounter warfare and take DOMINION.


As you prepare to expand by faith, the abundance of the Lord will be a sign of his promise to assist you with dominion.

The expansion of the Lord is coming ABRUPTLY and provision has already been predestined by Yahweh to be attached to it. “I AM EXPANDING THEM FOR MY GLORY” says the Lord. I heard the Lord say, “I am expanding them for dominion”. Do not lean on your own understanding as the Lord expands you, everything will be illogical by man’s standards.

I saw properties and massive wealth transfers being given to the pioneers for the purpose of “expansion”. Begin to look for land. Get the paperwork set in motion. Make initial contact with investors and policymakers. As you prepare to expand by faith, the abundance of the Lord will be a sign of his promise to assist you with dominion.


To be refined means:

  1. to free something from impurities or unwanted material

  2. to free from moral imperfection; to elevate

  3. to improve or perfect by pruning or polishing

  4. to reduce in vigor or intensity

  5. to free from what is coarse, vulgar or uncouth

The Lord is refining his pioneers. What may have seemed like unnecessary stress was the Lord freeing you from impure people, things, and behaviors. The process of refinement is multi-layered and can feel extremely uncomfortable, but the result is radiant beauty. The Lord will be pulling many of you away from your norms and wooing you into a place of prayer and intimacy. Draw near to God and begin to create spaces where the ground can be consecrated as “holy”.

The Lord will be pulling many of you away from your norms and wooing you into a place of prayer and intimacy

Check the motives of your heart as you enter this holy space. Set aside vain ambitions. You have absolutely nothing to prove and no one to compete with in the presence of God. Allow the Lord to speak to those areas in your heart where pride, bitterness, control, competition, retaliation, and despair have moved in. They can’t go with you.

Exodus 3:5 Then he said, “Do not come near; take your sandals off your feet, for the place on which you are standing is holy ground.”

Joshua 5:15 And the commander of the Lord's army said to Joshua, “Take off your sandals from your feet, for the place where you are standing is holy.” And Joshua did so.

Just as Nehemiah, Joseph, Jesus, etc., were misunderstood, falsely accused and set up for failure, pioneers will experience similar situations, especially with “believers”. But be not dismayed, all of the persecution was allowed to refine you for expansion.

Even though you were isolated, it refined you.

Even though the lies that were told hurt your feelings, it refined you.

Even though you experienced loss, it refined you.

Even though it feels unfair, it has refined you.

Now, you are ready.

There is no delay.

There are no hindrances.

Use your authority, and the Lord says, “I will be with you”.

You will not fail. “I will make sure you will not fail” says the Lord.

It’s all beginning to make sense now. Welcome to the place of abrupt and suddenly.


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Dr. Dee Evans

CEO, Koinonia Training and Consulting

CEO, The Dee Evans Group


Dr. Dee Evans is an internationally recognized consultant and life coach. She has been awarded several leadership awards and she is a respected educator and Christian leader. She is the author of several books, which include: "God, I'm Disappointed, Procrastination: A Kingdom Perspective on the Theology of Work".

Connect with Dr. Dee Evans by visiting the links below.


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