The Lord woke me up at 4am this morning and he begin to minister to me. I heard the voice of the Lord say:
I am dealing with hardened hearts. I am destroying yokes. I am doing wonders. I am restoring vision. Intimidation and fear have been released to distort vision and cause my people to conform. I have heard the lies. I seen the malice in the hearts of those who claim to love me. I have heard those who falsely use my name. Their hearts have waxed cold to my word. I have heard the conversations and I have seen the plans created to trap my anointed and limit their movement in the Earth. I will not permit it. I am coming to set order.
I am endowing my people with boldness to fulfill their assignments in the earth. The Spirit of the Fear of the Lord will be with them. None will be able to stand against them and succeed. There will be no delay for I am restoring vision. I am correcting everything that has been out of order. I am removing those who are occupying spaces illegally. I am making my will known.
Then I heard the Lord say:
I am dealing with those who have misused my name. I am uprooting lies and I am drawing a line. Those who have interfered with my plan will be brought low. Look and see how I will bring order and align everything perfectly. There will be restoration and recompense for those that love God. Everything that has been stolen will be restored. I will restore it for my glory and this cannot be reversed.
Tell them to repent now. Tell them to humble themselves now. Tell them to seek my face now. Tell them to turn away from sin now. Tell them to do no further harm to my people. Tell them to surrender their hearts. Tell them to stop the charades. Tell them to stop lying. Tell them to stop fornicating. Tell them to leave their idols behind. Tell them to come back to their first love. I will hear their prayer and restore all who come before me in truth. But, those that oppose me will be put to shame. For I am the Lord, your God, and beside me there is no other.
I sense that this is a warning for those who have been led astray by all manners of evil. I have an extremely strong sense that the Lord is dealing harshly with those who are walking in the spirit of pride, envy, covetousness and offense. These three spirits have partnered with fear and intimidation to usher a level of unprecedented confusion and delay against his anointed. The Lord is already convicting the hearts of those who oppose his will, but many have resisted his leadership. Instead, they have chosen to appease their flesh and continue a “charade”. They have been disillusioned to believe that their passivity is a match for the grandeur of the Lord, but it will not be the Lord that will be put to shame.
The Lord took me up in the spirit and showed me from an aerial view how he has intervened and sent out the ministering spirits of God to pour into his anointed and set order. It looked like a line had been drawn over a vast and rough terrain. One side looked very lush, full of mountains, valleys, lakes and streams. The other side looked lifeless, dry and arid. From out of the dream, the Lord spoke and said, “Choose a side”.
Of course, I chose the side that looked lush. I knew that that symbolized the Lord’s side. When I came out of the vision, I sensed the Lord's agreement concerning my choice as well as a burden to be bold about my choice.
Being on the Lord side is much more than just saying that you love God. Choosing to be on the Lord’s side means dying to your flesh. It requires constant surrender. Choosing to be on the Lord side means forsaking your desires so that you can follow him. One cannot claim to be on the Lord's side and be in offense with others on the same team.
This is a clarion call. Get your hearts right.
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The Hey Sis Podcast is a space for women, from all walks of life, to reflect upon their life experiences.
Dr. Dee Evans brings humor and spiritual insight to conversations love, spirituality, theology, pop culture and everything in between.
The Awe and Wonder Audio Bible Study focuses on the exposition of scripture surrounding a space of contemplation and reverence for the works of Yahweh. Each Bible study lesson is approximately 20 minutes and focuses on a singular topic that should lead each listener to be inspire with awe.
Awe (noun) - a feeling of reverential respect mixed with fear or wonder.
Wonder (noun) - a feeling of surprise mingled with admiration, caused by something beautiful, unexpected, unfamiliar or inexplicable.
Dr. Dee Evans
Founder, Dee Evans Ministries International, Inc
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