In the middle of intercessory prayer, I heard the Lord say, “I AM releasing new blueprints that will catapult my children out of toil and into rest”. There is a spiritual metamorphosis that we are witnessing that will transform cities, governments, municipalities, and organizations. This blueprint isn’t a scheme to “get rich quick”, it’s the premediated paradigm from heaven that will be released on the earth.
Watch and see how the Lord dismantles old systems that perpetuates insatiable appetites for the satisfaction of the flesh. We will witness those who have a pure and holy passion for the will of the Lord be raised up with influence and finances to complete this work. It will be an army full of those who have gazed upon the beauty of the Lord and who carry his countenance.
During this spiritual metamorphosis, we will witness paradigm shifts occur within the institution of the church. The “good ol boy systems” that emboldened gatekeepers will be imploded from within. Those who have eyes to see will recognize that the deconstruction of these systems are necessary for the re-building of this new era creation. The workers of iniquity are being decommissioned, and the pioneers are being commissioned for such a time as this.
As you fast and abstain during this season of Lent, allow the Holy Spirit to realign you and break off any limitations that may sabotage this elevation.
This is the time of release.
This is the time of manifestation.
Let the will of the Lord be established.
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The Hey Sis Podcast is a space for women, from all walks of life, to reflect upon their life experiences.
Dr. Dee Evans brings humor and spiritual insight to conversations love, spirituality, theology, pop culture and everything in between.
Dr. Dee Evans
Founder, Dee Evans Ministries International, Inc
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