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Deliverance From Grief

Writer: Dr. Dee Dr. Dee

Below are a few Demonic Entry Points that gives power to grief.

  1. Unforgiveness

  2. Indifference

  3. Doubt

  4. Self-Deception

  5. Doubting God's Word

  6. Rejection

  7. Indecision

  8. Fear of Rejection

  9. Rejection of Others

  10. Self-Rejection

  11. Heartache

  12. Disease

  13. Crying

  14. Cancer

  15. Root of Bitterness

  16. Sadness

  17. Ulcers

  18. Resentment

  19. Cruel

  20. Arthritis

  21. Hatred

  22. Burdens

  23. Worry

  24. Violence Toward Self

  25. Pain of Mind

  26. Fear

  27. Violence Toward Others

  28. Painful Emotions

  29. Anxiety

  30. Malice

  31. Regret

  32. Dread

  33. Temper

  34. Suffering

  35. Apprehension

  36. Anger

  37. Distrust

  38. Restlessness

  39. Rage

  40. Heaviness

  41. Murder

  42. Cursing

  43. Morbidity

  44. Confusion

  45. Suicide

  46. Sorrow

  47. Frustration

  48. Death

  49. Incoherence

  50. Insomnia

  51. Lying Spirit

  52. Despair

  53. Bitterness of Death

  54. Disgust

  55. Self-Hatred

  56. Bitter Wailing

  57. Despondency

  58. Condemnation

  59. Discouragement

  60. Unworthiness

  61. Rebellion

  62. Defeatism

  63. Embarrassment

  64. Stubbornness

  65. Hopelessness

  66. Anti-Submissiveness

  67. Distrust

  68. Pressure

  69. Selfishness

  70. Escape

  71. Fantasy

  72. Indifference

  73. Unreality

  74. Stoicism

  75. Spite

  76. Passivity

  77. Deceit

  78. Sleepiness

  79. Hateful

  80. Alcohol

  81. Hatred

  82. Drugs

  83. Lethargy

  84. Tiredness

  85. Weariness

  86. Laziness


Prayer of Action

Father, forgive me for.......

- For being ignorant of the God’s word and God’s promises

- For wanting to or for living in fantasy

- For blaming others when it's your problem too

- For not trusting God and going on but living in the past

- For the unkindness you have done to others

- For not believing that this terrible thing that has happened can work together for good and be useful to you and others

- For not accepting God's right to use you seeing you were bought with a great and precious price

- For not being willing to be hurt as others are

- For refusing to be grateful to God in all things

- For listening to and following the advice of demons

- For failing to consider the others who have also been grieved by this thing which has happened

- For holding resentments against yourself, others and God

- For allowing your grief to become excessive


  • Ask God to remind you of all those against whom you hold unforgiveness.

  • Forgive those causing your grief.

  • Forgive yourself

Break Curses

Use the demonic entry points as a guide.

Prayer of Thanksgiving

Dear God,

Thank you for your amazing power and work in our lives, thank you for your goodness and for your blessings over us. Thank you that you are able to bring hope through even the toughest of times, strengthening us for your purposes. Thank you for your great love and care. Thank you for your mercy and grace. Thank you that you are always with us and will never leave us. Thank you for your incredible sacrifice so that we might have freedom and life. Forgive us for when we don't thank you enough, for who you are, for all that you do, for all that you've given. Help us to set our eyes and our hearts on you afresh. Renew our spirits, fill us with your peace and joy. We love you and we need you, this day and every day. We give you praise and thanks, for You alone are worthy!

In Jesus' Name, Amen.



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