At this point, you now realize why you were shifted so drastically. Under the leadership of the Holy Spirit, ensure that every disconnection, redirection, and realignment that you have experienced receives a proper burial. The old you that was derailed, denied and ostracized was refined by flames that were set to consume you. You have been raised to life without the faintest smell of smoke. Any connection to those demonic cycles that were sent to completely unearth you are not to be resurrected. You have been set free by the power and blood of Jesus Christ. Breathe the free air and prepare to take any more territory for the kingdom of God.
Romans 6: 3-5 ESV
Do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? We were buried therefore with him by baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life. For if we have been united with him in a death like his, we shall certainly be united with him in a resurrection like his.
The enemy will attempt to reengage you into those toxic cycles by repackaging them as conversations of concern, false apologies, and pre-meditated conflict to lure you out of your place of peace. Arm yourself with the amor of God and place your focus on your assignment - not the distractions. In your time of intimacy with the God, ask the Holy Spirit to make you away of any spaces in your heart that still harbor resentment from the tumultuous season that you survived. If there are any lingering trauma bonds, they will serve as an open door that the enemy will swing wide if you are not vigilant. Do not allow yourself to be tempted by money, influence, attention, friendships or other peer pressures as it relates to these severed connections. This long awaited era of dominion requires a discipline that you must acquire in order to experience the totality of what God has for you. Resist the devil and release the all resentment. The things that God has for you outweigh the pain the enemy has caused you.
Romans 8:13 ESV
For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.
As God positions you to take more dominion and advance, it is the Lord’s desire that you progress without fear or timidity. The enemy does not have a legal right to you or your belongings. The enemy does not have authority over God’s plans for you. Do not give the enemy a foothold in your life by taking the bait of offense, distraction, sexual sin, new age practices, pride, etc. You are walking in the promises of God, and there is so much you have to forward to.
God is sending you new connections and giving you a new rhythm of life. Embrace the sweetness of the newness without hesitation and fall into the unforced rhythm of grace (Matthew 11:28-30). This place is new and filled with joy, safety and protection. Advance without fear.
This is the place of dominion.
Welcome to your new season.
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Dr. Dee Evans
CEO, Koinonia Training and Consulting
CEO, The Dee Evans Group
Email: contact@thedeeevans.com
Dr. Dee Evans is an internationally recognized consultant and life coach. She has been awarded several leadership awards and she is a respected educator and Christian leader. She is the author of several books, which include: "God, I'm Disappointed, Procrastination: A Kingdom Perspective on the Theology of Work".
Connect with Dr. Dee Evans by visiting the links below.