August is a month of immense joy. This isn’t the type of joy that you anticipate, this is the type of joy that takes you by surprise. The Lord is going to use spontaneity and the element of surprise to confirm the words that He has already spoken. There will be unexpected financial increase through promotions, favorable debt settlements, reconciliations, healings and creative miracles that will be highlighted in August. I also saw the words SUDDENLY and IMMEDIATELY. For those of you who have experienced unprecedented delay in the past season, you will be caught up in August. You will experience the favor of God like never before. The joy that will accompany this move will overcompensate for the pain associated with your years of long suffering.
Rid your heart of anguish and negativity, no good thing will come from it. Continue to take authority over your mind and also command your space to be conducive to the move of the Holy Spirit. Who you surround yourself with will influence your ability to comprehend God’s instructions to you and also your ability to recognize the RECOMPENSE of the Lord.
Despite the accusers intentions for your life, you will be OVERWHELMED with joy, and there will be no backlash attached.
“This is not the time to be passive"
There is a different grace that is being released from the courts of heaven. The manna that physically and spiritually nourished you in the last season will not be sufficient in this prototype of the promised land. I heard the Lord say, “This is not the time to be passive”. The Lord is calling his pioneers to do the work of the kingdom without bitterness and excuses. The office of the evangelist was highlighted to me in prayer concerning this.
Do not be surprised if the Lord puts a mandate on many of you to literally “GO YE THEREFORE and make disciples” in your sectors of influence. There will be no dimming of your light, so shine for his glory. In my prayer time, this looked different than just a mirror tent revival or the creation of a conference. This is about being PROACTIVE about salvations and the baptism of the Holy Spirit, even in the marketplace.
You will experience the favor of God like never before. The joy that will accompany this move will overcompensate for the pain associated with your years of long suffering.
Even in the mist of pestilence and hysteria, the move of the Holy Spirit will be opulent. The Lord showed me the strategy of the accuser and his intention to enter the lives of his children with fear of the unknown and bitterness, and the Lord has already sent angelic assistance to lift the spirits of his children. Elevate your time of worship and prayer, they are your weapons.
The accuser is going to work overtime in an attempt to send many of you back into cycles of self sabotage and delay. This is not the time to be passive. This is the time to war with your worship and your prayer life. In other words, this is the time to be intentional with every prayer that you pray and with every song that you sing. There is no room for idle worship. I also saw many of you crying out to God because of your lack of discipline and organization that has been masked by the accuser as a spiritual attack. Take ownership of your shortcomings and present them to the Lord. There is divine instruction coming from the Holy Spirit for the next steps.
This is not the time to be passive. This is the time to war with your worship and your prayer life. In other words, this is the time to be intentional with every prayer that you pray and with every song that you sing.
We are headed for some extremely difficult days as believers, but the joy of the Lord will be our strength. The anointing that caused your leaders to become like “Saul” is needed now. The zeal that made you an enemy to Jezebel is needed now. The boldness that made you an adversary to religious leaders, like the Pharisees, is needed now.
Rise up and take your place. You will DOMINATE and the REWARD of the Lord will accompany you.
Welcome to your season of fulfillment.
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Welcome to an audio experience that will peak your curiosity and soothe your soul. Join Dr. Dee Evans as she creates a space for women, from all walks of life, to reflect upon their life experiences with topics that range from love, spirituality and pop culture. These discussions will engage and support you on your journey of wholeness and freedom. Ready to connect with a community of like minded women?
Welcome to the Hey Sis. Podcast.

We have crossed over into a new epoch, and the Lord is releasing instruction that will provide clarity for his sons and daughters. In a world full of uncertainty, hopelessness, hysteria, poverty, mental instability, vaccine mandates, variants, and insatiability, we all need to fix our gaze upon the one who knows us by name.
Milk and Honey: A Seven Day Devotional for Pentecost will encourage you to enter into a new place of intimacy with the Holy Spirit and receive a fresh impartation of power and revelation.

Dr. Dee Evans
CEO, Koinonia Training and Consulting
CEO, The Dee Evans Group
Email: contact@thedeeevans.com
Dr. Dee Evans is an internationally recognized consultant and life coach. She has been awarded several leadership awards and she is a respected educator and Christian leader. She is the author of several books, which include: "God, I'm Disappointed, Procrastination: A Kingdom Perspective on the Theology of Work".
Connect with Dr. Dee Evans by visiting the links below.